victoria, british columbia

Victoria - Tourism Victoria
The oldest city in western Canada, Victoria’s origins date back to 1843 as a Hudson Bay Company trading post, named in honour of Queen Victoria of England. Today this city, located on the southern tip of Vancouver island, is the provincial capital of British Columbia, boasting a Greater Victoria metro population of some 400,000. With the mildest climate in Canada, most outdoor activities are available year round. This temperate climate has helped the city earn the name “the Garden City.” and is also known for its heritage architecture, exceptional shopping and dining, western naval base and major fishing port.
Icelandic settlement to Victoria began in 1883 primarily from New Iceland.The majority of settlers arrived after 1887 from a variety of places, mostly in North America.
Icelandic settlement to Victoria began in 1883 primarily from New Iceland.The majority of settlers arrived after 1887 from a variety of places, mostly in North America.